You can get to SoundBites from everywhere!
Many international visitors have heard Here are more international that SoundBites is the place to go when visitors. This time the visiting Ball Square for business or Moritz-Gottheimers from pleasure. This is Walter from Austria. Germany.
Triple berry pancakes. Triple berry pancakes.
Sunday, March 24, 1996 "You don't listen - you hover!" "This objectiver person who knows our relationship from outside."
Saturday, March 16, 1996 "...male bodily functions... peeing loudly..." "Take your plate, sir?"
Sunday, March 3, 1996 "Are you a Republican now? "His former roommate, now girlfriend."
Friday, November 24, 1995 "You could see that he was aching to get it off his chest."
Sunday, November 12, 1995 "Somewhat of a segue." "My upper limit is 7."
Saturday, November 4, 1995 "When you get married you settle down to some extent, and eat more regularly."
Saturday, October 14, 1995 "He's just creepy!" "She's been seen every place."
Sunday, October 8, 1995 "I'm VERY non-demanding." "Another random connection." "They were, like,... older." "Do you guys want anything else?" (waitress says to three women at a table)
Saturday, September 30, 1995 "I'm not with you for the sex." "I had a breakthrough today." "There's nothing like breakfast!" "So, how big is Somerville? Compare it to something in New York."
Several men were seen on the roof of Cambridge Lock today (9/30/95). Apparently the owner had lost his key and they were waiting for a teenager to come by and help them get in.