Photographs by date...
- October 6, 2004
- Cassady at the switchbacks, fall foliage, contrails, leaves, yellow tree on the small pond
- September 19, 2004
- Cassady & Richard viewing a dead squirrel, mushrooms, lost glove, dead squirrel, self-portraits, fpp flowers, green water, reflected light
- September 19, 2004
- mushrooms, dragonfly resting on a large leaf, fpp window reflection, Cynthia & Cassady, sunset
- September 12, 2004
- mushrooms, fallen tree crosssections, contrails, sunsets, Cassady sprawled at the foot of the stairs, clouds
- September 8, 2004
- turtle against the fence, Cassady in yellow raincoat, overcast & slightly foggy at Fresh Pond, big mushroom pictures
- September 3, 2004
- green grasshopper, old car (Buick?), tree cross section, reflected light, clouds, mystery material, sidewalk slug, Cassady & Cynthia at the waterworks, squirrel in a tree, vaguely suggestive mushrooms...
- August 31, 2004
- BIG mushrooms, sunsets, burning orange water
- August 30, 2004
- fpp front steps repair/replacement, storm clouds, found object, mushrooms
- August 21, 2004
- Tornado in the neighborhood!, or something like a tornado or maybe a microburst (which happened around 7pm, EST), mushrooms, Dalmatian bananna & Cassady, cats
- August 19, 2004
- mucho mushrooms, storm clouds over Boston, Barking Crab dinner with Alice, Emmy Lou Harris concert, Alice & friends, rare self-portrait, first tornado pictures
- August 15, 2004
- mushrooms, Fresh Pond, lost hat, the usual, hurricane clouds
- August 9, 2004
- Dachshunds, Aberdeen giant mushroom, sunsets, lost glove, contrails, clouds, reflections
- August 8, 2004
- clouds, Cynthia at Fresh Pond, dinner at Full Moon, mushrooms, dragonfly on my leg
- August 8, 2004
- self-portraits,Richard & Cassady waiting for Cynthia,clouds,mushrooms,fallen trees
- August 8, 2004
- clouds, mushrooms, trash day, FPP scenes, tree stump, rock wall, Cynthia+Cassady
- August 7, 2004
- mostly mushrooms, Fresh Pond clouds
- August 6, 2004
- Cynthia & Cassady at FPP, Fresh Pond sunsets, FPP scenes & sunsets, clouds
- August 6, 2004
- mushrooms, clouds, rabbit by the waterworks
- August 5, 2004
- mushrooms, Cassady, my feet, self-portrait, clouds, butterflies
- August 5, 2004
- mushrooms, clouds, reflections, more mushrooms
- August 3, 2004
- mushrooms,blue fire hydrant,1956 bicycle,grafitti,purple Fresh Pond sunset,more mushrooms
- July 31, 2004
- Jessica's goodbye & back to Texas party!
- July 29, 2004
- mostly mushrooms, sunsets
- July 27, 2004
- Fresh Pond mushrooms, Ivo Strecker & Michael Strecker goodbye pictures, lost gloves, demolition next door, lost shoes
- July 26, 2004
- demolition next door, Ivo Strecker & Michael Strecker swimming in our pool, walk around Fresh Pond, ur ban anomaly, grasshopper on concrete, Cynthia & Ivo, urban anomalies
- July 25, 2004
- mushrooms, contrails, clouds, sunsets, Double Crested Cormorant + Cynthia + Cassady, Ivo & Michael Strecker visit Cambridge, demolition next door, fascist + anthropologist, Cassady admires a leg...
- July 23, 2004
- Danehy Park, butterscotch cats,urban anomalies, Fresh Pond, mushrooms, clouds, bird on a wire
- July 22, 2004
- white cat/green grass, Adia in Cambridge-and saying goodbye, dragonflies & mushrooms & Robins at Fresh Pond, dead bird
- July 22, 2004
- Cassady & Bernice, mushrooms, self-portrait, large butterfly, Little Fresh Pond reflection
- July 19, 2004
- Fresh Pond mushrooms + butterflies + spiderwebs, Cassady watches Erika/Adia/Roger leave for Montreal
- July 17, 2004
- Adia visits Cambridge, plus the usual stuff...
- July 16, 2004
- Adia at Fresh Pond, Brittany & Jen & friend visit, clouds, Cassady in a favorite spot, dachshund, sunsets, blue sky--white fluffy cloud--sharp brown edges
- July 12, 2004
- Fresh Pond scenes,local lawn art, local party scenes, red-wigged Laurie, Bill K, mushrooms, gum art, confrontation with a chipmunk in a tree
- July 9, 2004
- sunsets, fpp sunsets, fpp flowers, clouds, old Rolls Royce, Harvard Square performance space
- July 6, 2004
- Eric Rolph's birthday party (even though it was actually July 4, 2004)
- June 6, 2004
- rainy day at Fresh Pond, snapping turtle, lost shoe
- May 28, 2004
- Fresh Pond, 34FPP, FPP flowers, yellow Ford Thuderbird, Cynthia slips on a bananna, Dead Birds, Cynthia & Cassady, FP sunsets, sidewalk art, bird & house, abandoned applecore, butterflies
- May 25, 2004
- FPP flowers, Fresh Pond scenes & mushrooms & sunsets , Deborah & Michael & their flowers, FPP flowers
- April 27, 2004
- FPP flowers,Regent Street, lillies, Fresh Pond clouds, Fresh Pond cathedral, 41-16FPP, VFW missle, high rise
- April 11, 2004
- dead bird, lost gloves, flowrs, lillies, Cassady raincoat, Regent Street move, cats, yellow
- March 21, 2004
- lillies, clouds, patterns, snow, self-portrait, lost gloves, yellow, vomit, fence crash
- March 17, 2004
- Marshall Family Photography Exhibition at Harvard University, Peabody Museum, Nozomi farewell to Boston & DER final get together, snowstorm sculpture, lost gloves, ice & snow
- March 5, 2004
- yellow, lost gloves, clouds, Kolodney gang, Cassady, Richard Shadow, textures, first sprouting lilliesB, Cassady on the deck, snow
- February 27, 2004
- balloons, yellow, red, blue, lost hats, lost gloves, clouds, dogs, trees, signs
- February 16, 2004
- Danehy Park, shadows, lost gloves, Coldwell Banker basement rock wall, helicopter, dead bird, yellow, lost shoes, graffiti, lost dog poster, blue, lost clothing, contrails, dogs in a car, clouds, Dalmatian banannas, balloons
- February 11, 2004
- clouds, lost gloves, yellow, patterns & textures, borders & boundaries, sunsets, urban anomalies, lost hats, blue
- February 2, 2004
- Fresh Pond Place photos taken during official inspection
- November 28, 2003
- the usual, leaves, yellow leaves, Richard & Cassady shadow/leaves
- November 27, 2003
- Thanksgiving 2003 dinner with Hande & guests from Turkey & Japan, Regent Street leaves
- August 31, 2003
- clouds, Richard & Cynthia rollerblading at Danehy Park, fluffy white dog, cats, giant penis in the street, Regent Street, tomatoes, lillies, mushroom, flowers, U-Haul, saffron-robed monk, naked bathing chicken, empty shoe boxes, dead mouse
- August 29, 2003
- Irina birthday dinner + Bunny, Regent Street, mushroom, tomatoes, lillies, clouds, Danehy Park, Cynthia rollerblading
- June 10, 2003
- Regent Street, flowers, tomatoes, lillies, clouds, Danehy Park, Cassady, parkinglot pollen puddles, Lloyd
- May 15, 2003
- Regent Street, lillies, forsythia, flowers, clouds, Danehy Park
- May 3, 2003
- flowers, ugly couch, lillies, Regent Street, forsythia, green VW, Danehy Park, Cynthia, Indian food
- April 28, 2003
- Cynthia runs laps at Danehy Park, lillies, forsythia, flowers, Regent Street, sidewalk art
- April 17, 2003
- Regent Street, lillies, forsythia, Irina, tree trunk, dog scooter, Kryptonite Bike Lock, snow mountain, flowers, sidewalk art, Danehy Park, clouds
- March 14, 2003
- snow, snow drifts, dirty snow, ice, dog sign, clouds, sunsets, Danehy Park, Kryptonite bike locks, Cassady, lost gloves, splattered toothpaste, snow mountain, Regency Street
- February 9, 2003
- Boston from Cambridge, lost gloves, Regent Street, Wen-jie Qin, snow, icicles, Cynthia in silver & pink jammies
- February 8, 2003
- yesterday's Regent Street snow, walk along the Charles River, gaggle of geese near BU bridge
- January 25, 2003
- lost shoes/lost boots, snow, more snow, Danehy Park, Regent Street, lost glove, Cassady, Irina, still more snow...
- January 7, 2003
- tree trunks, Porter Square pidgeons, tracks in the snow, Cynthia leaves for Florida and a visit with her parents, Regent Street snow, Edwin & Richard & Bill at the Harvest Restaurant, Cassady and a fellow canine, lost glove, Alice & Cynthia & Richard at Henrietta's Table in Harvard Square
- January 2, 2003
- Regent Street snow, other snow...
- December 31, 2002
- New Year's Eve on Boston Harbor PLUS the harbor cruise boat from hell - with extra loud music, engine noise, freshly painted inside and consequent poisonous fumes!
- December 25, 2002
- Cynthia & Richard's Excellent Christmas day dinner at
the Spinnaker
- December 24, 2002
- Somerville Christmas lights, Richard & Cynthia having
Christmas day dinner at the Spinnaker, notice the Charles River and
Boston skyline behind Cynthia, and, no, that's not a flying saucer
hovering outside the window of the restaurant--its a reflection of the
circle of lights in the center of the revolving restaurant
- December 13, 2002
- DER 2002 Christmas party (part 2), Wen-jie Qin &
Cynthia & Alice, the other usual suspects..., last of the snow cones
on Regent Street, Cassady sprawling, lost gloves, red berries against
a blue sky, Danehy Park, long shadows, clouds, Cynthia & Cassady
- December 9, 2002
- Irina's new place in Somerville (including the
neighborhood); 2002 DER Christmast party, including the usual
suspects: John, Victoria, food, Cassady, Brittany, Cynthia (plus more
food), Alice
- December 1, 2002
- post Thanksgiving dinner at J's (part 3),
Cambridge Common Christmas lights, Odin the Leonberger, Cassady the
Leonberger & Odin, Regent Street, melting snow on the grass,
abstracted front steps, Cynthia & Wen-jie Qin & Richard, more
- November 20, 2002
leaves, leaf litter, cap on firehydrant, Regent Street, sidewalk mushrooms, cats, wound over eye from Odin the 150+ pounds Leonberger, Cassady in the snow, snow scenes on Regent Street
- November 12, 2002
- leaves on Regent Street, Richard & Cynthia at Frank's
Steakhouse, Massachusetts Avenue, Cambridge, Massachusetts
- November 9, 2002
Cambridge & Regent Street Fall Foliage
- October 30, 2002
- Cyntha & Richard have dinner at Christopher's
Restaurant, first lost glove of the season, fall foliage, yard sale
with hats, Regent Street, Irina in her car, Porter Square whales
- October 22, 2002
- Danehy Park, clouds, flowers, apple core resting on
cement column, front porch pumpkin, lost gloves, airplane from below,
3 dachshunds & a blonde in black, Regent Street mushroom, lillies,
sunflower, Cynthia & 1957 Cadillac with Wyoming license plates
- October 9, 2002
- Regent Street mushrooms, tree tops, Cynthia & Alice &
Richard at the Rosebud Diner, sunsets at Danehy Park, lillies, clouds,
Irina & Richard at Chez Henri, World Trade Center memorial steel beam
exhibit, ? & her dog ?
- October 6, 2002
- J's 4th birthday party, Boston buildings, dying
pidgeon, caterpillar grass, Regent Street mushroom, lost shoe, bluish
sidewalk, Danehy Park, Irina & Richard rollerblading on the Esplanade,
Boston skyline, sunsets, Moon over Boston, dead pidgeon, flock of
pidgeons, fall foliage, last roses of summer
- October 5, 2002
- J's 4th birthday party, Cynthia facepainting,
clouds, cats, Daney Park, sunsets, dead bird, lillies
- September 28, 2002
- 1957 Cadillac, Wyoming license plates, Danehy Park,
clouds, flowers, Irina at the S&S, sidewalk slug, Cassady sprawling,
tree trunks, squirrel on a tree
- September 14, 2002
- Regent Street backyard after a windstorm, Cynthia &
Richard rollerblading in Danehy Park, dead teddy bear, flowers,
lillies, a man fishing in the Charles River at Watertown Square,
dinner at ?, moss growing around the bricks in out front steps,
clouds, jeans abandoned in the woods by the tracks, Regent Stree
mushrooms, odd trail of... something on Brattle Street, local jeans
- August 25, 2002
- clouds, bird (way up high), natural erosion, fancy
car, lillies, contrails, cats, sunsets, Danehy park, airport art (you
can't take photos of that a security guy said), Cynthia - food-
Cassady, 4 little dogs in a car, U-Haul Arkansas, lost clothing
- August 13, 2002
- lillies, local office building, bee on doorway, tracks
in the sand, flowers & leaves, Danehy Park art project, Cassady &
Cynthia, flag, sunsets, black cat, black squirrel at Danehy Park
- August 8, 2002
- sunsets, lost rubber glove and bottle, Danehy Park,
stuff on the sidewalk, flowers, lillies, way too early Christmas
lights, dinner & dancing at Johnny D's, Cassady, abstracts, dead
- July 25, 2002
- leaves, clouds, lillies, cats, Somerville Bike Path,
dead birds, Danehy Park, sunsets
- July 19, 2002
- Adia & Erika & Roger visit Regent Street, Cynthia
takes the bus to Maine with her 1940's look, lillies, dead pidgeon,
storm clouds over Regent Street, Irina settles into her new Somerville
- July 18, 2002
- reflections on windows of investment opportunities, GO
DOWN! (but not in a sexual way), graffitti, lost shoe, Carolina makes
paper ADLs at Printwix, Erika feeds Adia, lillies, Regent Street
gardens, Harvard Square clouds, creepy-crawly thing on the wall above
the computer (shortly before it died), Cynthia handles a butterfly on
the street, Danehy Park yellow mold stuff (and a late night run by
Cynthia & Cassady & Richard), Karyl enjoys bouillabaisee by Cynthia on
the Regent Street deck, night photos of tree leaves, more
- July 13, 2002
- lillies, Adia & Erika & Roger visit Regent Street,
J family, Erica & Sandeep SWAT team, the dark at the bottom of the
stairs, the triplets at the bottom of the stairs, Richard at
Ferranti-Dege, Cassady & lillies
- June 27, 2002
- lillies, food at Christopher's Restaurant, Irina bends
over, flowers, Cynthia at Danehy Park, clouds, Aaron M at Au bon Pain
in Harvard Square, Printwix window display, sunset, dead bird
- June 21, 2002
- Red Cross blood donation bruise, scum on standing
rainwater, Cynthia & Cassady & rainwater pond, Danehy Park, sunset,
Cassady & cat, lillies, Cynthia on the front steps, flowers, Irina
moving on..., Dalmation, bright lights big city, catching up secretly
with Cynthia...
- June 14, 2002
- lillies, goofy high-priced monitor screen, Red Cross
blood donation bruises, Cassady napping, flowers, sunsets, Danehy
Park, more bruises--but some days later, dead rat in a box with toys,
backyard trees, dinner at the Bistro Restaurant, Porter Square, garden
boxes, graffiti
- June 1, 2002
- box of Jesus Loves You phamplets on the street, U-Haul
Tennessee, spring flowers, Danehy Park, Cynthia & Cassady, ant war,
cloudy building, mass march of blue people, doormat, U-Haul Nebraska,
ferrets, Somerville Bike Path, pythons
- May 25, 2002
- Revere Beach, Kelly's Roast Beef, 1969 black Cadillac
convertible, Bichon, lillies, spring flowers, clouds, Irina & Cassady
at Carberrys, DER post-hitech discussion dinner, thunder & lightning &
rain storm, L & J on Brattle Street, random pattern
- May 21, 2002
- Danehy Park track, sunset, lillies, Dachshund, lost
clothing, garrishly dressed young lady, random green patterns, Rever
Beach, artist on the boardwalk, 1955 Ford pickup, windblown
- May 17, 2002
- Harvard awards event for Cultural Survival, Cynthia &
friend, food at said event, Chuck & Cherry (neighbors across the
street), rugs on the floor (for sale after the event), bumper sticker,
Danehy Park, clouds, marsh, lillies, friendly neighborhood dog, spring
flowers, railroad tracks going East & West
- May 11, 2002
- Somerville Open Studios, Somerville Bike Path, twin
Pugs, spring flowers, lost cat poster, lillies, street sign, Danehy
park, Harvard awards event for Cultural Survival, food at said event,
Cynthia with friend, rugs on the floor (later for sale)
- May 10, 2002
- haircut (actually, ALL of them), Cassady, lillies,
Somerville Open Studios, John Jaegel
- April 28, 2002
- Cynthia & J, more of J's art, lillies, Danehy
Park, folding bike, fallen petals, Regent Street, clouds, sunlight
shadows, commuter train engine number--my PO Box
- April 22, 2002
- lots of white spring flowers, lillies, lost pet
poster, Danehy Park, clouds, tree growing in fence, sunset, Hande's
going away party
- April 20, 2002
- lillies, giant ladybug, spring flowers, rain clouds,
Cassady in her raincoat, Danehy Park & duck,
Cynthia/Richard/Rise/Rise-friend at Christopher's Restaurant
- April 14, 2002
- Somerville Open Studios, clouds, lillies, Cassady &
cat, Danehy Park, spring flowers, sunsets, dead baby bird, jet flying
overhead, the usual artsy-fartsy stuff...
- April 10, 2002
- Cynthia & vegetable, lillies, Cassady whizzing, Danehy
Park, running track, flowering trees, Cynthia & Cassady, dead bee,
Bichon, tree chair, Marshall house, dinner at J's, J's art
- April 4, 2002
- lillies, Richard Shadow, Cynthia shadow, Cassady
shadow, Danehy Park, lost clothing, sunsets, cats, cat on a car, Irina
in a car, Cassady & cat, lazy Cassady
- March 30, 2002
- lillies, Cassady & Irina, Danehy Park, storm clouds, trees, reflections, tree stump
- March 21, 2002
- sunsets, snow, lillies, funny food, peculiar ice,
Cindy in pink, Christopher's Restaurant food, Cynthia & Cassady &
tracks @ Danehy Park, tree stumps
- February 9, 2002
- winter scenes, snow, clouds, sunsets, Marc & Karyl &
Cynthia at Christopher's Restaurant, Cassady eyes & Moon & Cynthia on
a dark night at Danehy park
- February 2, 2002
- ice/water/snow, winter scenes, Cambridge Common,
Danehy Park
- January 27, 2002
- Day Street, Cynthia, Danehy Park, Richard's shadow,
snow scenes, dinner at J's
- January 5, 2002
- Danehy Park kite skateboarder, winter scenes, snow,
ice & grass, sunsets, Cassady, Cynthia, Harvard Yard's red
- January 1, 2002
- New Year's day party at J's, food: new Japanese
restaurant in Watertown, sunsets, clouds, track at Danehy park
- December 31, 2001
- First Night Boston, ice sculpture, frightening
bathroom scenes, flags, New Year's Day party at J's
- December 27, 2001
- grass & ice, lillies, moss, Winter Olympics flame
runners going through Porter Square, Cambridge, Massachusetts, First
Night Boston face painting, ice sculpture
- December 19, 2001
- Porter Square pigeons, Bill & Edwin & Richard at their
2nd annual annual dinner, tree stump, Danehy Park, Cynthia & Richard
having Christmas Day dinner at the Spinnaker restaurant, Christmas
lights, spilled paint footprints, Roll# 33793883
- December 14, 2001
- DER Christmas party (part 2), J antics, snow,
clouds, lost clothing, Cassady
- December 4, 2001
- Wen-jie Qin & Cynthia, fall foliage, Cambridge Common
Christmas lights, last slug of the year, lillies, clouds, dinner at
J's, DER Christmas party
- November 23, 2001
- flags, fall foliage, leaves, lost clothing, cats,
reflections-mirrors, Danehy Park
- November 21, 2001
- fall foliage, lost clothing, leaf art, Thanksgiving
dinner 2001, Cassady, Cynthia, food, plus the usual suspects
- October 9, 2001
- leaves, patterns, new post office, clouds, Cassady,
dog in a car, sexy fruit, Rosebud Diner--Richard & Cynthia &
waitresses, lillies, lost clothing, dachshund, urban oddities,
Kryptonite bike locks
- September 1, 2001
- Danehy Park, summer party on Regent Street: Cynthia,
Emily, Gray & Race, Eric, Karyl, unknowns, food, Courtney & friend,
Beth & Oren, Sandeep, Cassady & feet, bare feet, Papaya at arms
length, U-Haul Oklahoma, vines, plumbing reflection self-portrait,
Danehy Park tall grass
- August 24, 2001
- lost underwear, paper dog clock, lost shirt, Kryptonite bike lock, cats, Danehy Park, sunset on the tracks, dachshund, lillies, clouds, blimps over Cambridge, roses in our front yard, Harvard Square Post Office, piles of sand
- August 1, 2001
- Provincetown vacation Part 5 monuments, beach, dogs,
dock, casting off, approaching Boston
- July 31, 2001
- Provincetown vacation Part 3: bamboo, food, taffy
machine, tower, dunes, marsh, the usual suspects
- July 31, 2001
- Provicentown vacation Part 4, beach, sea, serial
killer, low tide, horseshoe crab, sunrise
- July 30, 2001
- Provincetown vacation - Part 1: leaving Boston,
pollution bubble, airport, islands, approaching Provincetown
- July 30, 2001
- Provincetown vacation Part 2: water, land!, beach, walk
through town"
- July 11, 2001
- Cynthia visits Erika & Roger in Montreal, Eric takes
artsy photos at DER
- April 23, 2001
- lillies, blossoms, Somerville bike path, dark clouds,
sunsets, Danehy Park, new post office, fun car, textures, lost
- April 10, 2001
- lillies, Kryptonite Bike Lock, Richard, Irina, Danehy
Park, blimp, new post office, wind-blown Cassady, clouds, sunsets,
Cynthia, J, dead bird
- July 12, 2000
- Irina in white--a strumpet on the street, Boston
Harbor walk, scenes of The Big Dig, Cynthia by the seaside
- June 15, 2000
- Somerville Bike Path, really pointy shadow, Irina in
yellow, Irina in her car and through the sunroof, clouds, old cars
- June 11, 2000
- Irina in blue, soccer playing dog, rain on the
Somerville Bike Path, cats, Cassady, summer skies, flowers at home
- May 20, 2000
- desserts at Casablanca, Erika, Pierre-Marc, Iowa
U-Haul, old couch, Somerville Bike Path, Karma, Sandeep, water,
reflections, dogs, Cassady
- February 8, 2000
- Lorna Marshall's Harvard Peabody Museum book signing,
crusty snow, Charles River ducks in Watertown, Sandeep, Hande &
Richard's birthday party at DER, my new camera, birthday dinner for me
at the Harvest Restaurant, Regent Street backyard, Irina at work, snow
piled high in an alley, Edwin & Cynthia, bus?, multi-colored car
across the street, burned tree stump, series of me getting a
- January 2, 2000
- J's New Year Celebration, snow on Regent Street,
Cynthia & Cassady snuggling, snow on the deck, dinner at the Harvest
Restaurant, vomit in the snow, Cynthia & Cassady in a snow-filled
alley, lingering Christmas lights, way too much garbage at
Christopher's Restaurant, sunsets, Lorna Marshall at the Harvard
University Peabody Museum for her book signing
- December 26, 1999
- Cynthia & Cassady & 8' zebra on the sidewalk, Fresh
Pond geese & shore ice, J's house, breastfeeding moms, sunsets,
zebra car, cats, Richard & Cynthia New Year's Eve 1999, Regent Street
backyard, neighborhood store windows, Fresh Pond scenes
- December 23, 1999
- Irina & Cassady at work, WAY too many pictures of
- December 17, 1999
- 1999 DER Christmas party, J in purple, Irina in
cast, Alon in squashed face, J in Dalmatian dress, lots of eating,
Cassady & J amongst big people; construction crane, big white
building at Harvard with streaky cloud overhead
- December 2, 1999
- Irina in a cast & arm sling, ? & ? from Germany,
Boston buildings, birds perched high in trees, Kentucky U-Haul, Don & John
doing voiceovers at DER, pidgeons over Porter Square, a sneak peak at
the Marc butt crack, lost clothing (child's), sunset clouds, yellow
volkswagon beetle & Cynthia & Cassady, dog tied up on the street, 1999
DER Christmas party with food from RedBones
- November 19, 1999
- Don Saklad, dog, Regent St deck, Hande & mom,
Thanksgiving with John & Lexi, Sonja Speeter & daughter, Elizabeth
Marshall, Cassady
- November 17, 1999
- Don's place (plus glimpses of those foxes Irina &
- November 17, 1999
- Don's place
- November 17, 1999
- Don's place (guess which way is up?)
- November 6, 1999
- J has dinner with friends, food by L, J &
Cassady & Cynthia, J & Cynthia and the former's first professional
art lesson, Regent Street trees, clouds, piles of leaves, concrete
roots, Don's portrait
- October 28, 1999
- Fall foliage, leaves in the back yard, cactus plants,
sidewalk tornado, old cars, Regent Street backyard, green pepper &
olive food, fancy convertible sports card, motorcycle, J at the
dinner table
- October 17, 1999
- Somerville Bike Path, Halloween decorations, Cassady &
cat, Cynthia & Cassady, fall foliage, clouds
- July 25, 1999
- Regent Street back yard, sunsets, U-HAUL trucks,
hottie Erika & Cassady, Harvard Science Center fountain, cats, old vw
bug, parking sign, sunflowers, cactus, old tree, funny old car,
motorcycles, clouds
- June 19, 1999
- cats, river, motorcycle, old VW, Cynthia, U-Haul, old
car, M & J, Karma & Erica, Cassady, food, DER party
- June 6, 1999
- Cassady wedged into a corner,
- May 30, 1999
- dead tree--live tree, Danehy Park, arched porches, cat
in the window, Regent Street backyard, tree stumps, Egg Al & Cassady,
Hande's hands, DER crowd, contrails & wires, Cassady sprawling,
mushroom looking thingy, funny signs, REALLY old tree, roses
- May 22, 1999
- Regent Street, Bapa drills a coconut, Cynthia does
crafts, old cars, cats, Ford Falcon, Hummer, L & J at the
Harvard Square PO, poppies, Porter Square Whales, sunsets, selected
sidewalk closeups
- May 22, 1999
- purple leaves, flowering trees and plants, Cambridge
Common bricks, Regent Street backyard, Cynthia & New Jersey U-Haul,
Brattle Street flowering trees and plants
- May 10, 1999
- Regent Street backyard, street lamp and contrail, old
bicycle with Kryptonite lock, Cassady sprawling, cats, orange in the
hand, trashed bike & Kryptonite lock, cat in a window, cat on a porch,
Cynthia & Cassady sitting in the tree chair, dead pidgeon, two old
trucks, Forsythia & Cynthia & Cassady, inside Regent Street
- May 4, 1999
- Regent Street trees,
Cassady relaxing, cat on a car, J & M chow down, food by
L, grass-covered limo, Goth window display, tree mushrooms, J
& L visit Regent Street, scared black cat, funny sign, stone
wall, train tracks shadows, lingering Christmas tree lights, blooming
- April 18, 1999
- inside our new home on Regent Street, backyard,
Cynthia & J & puppet, M & J, L food, street mirror
with our reflection, genuine telephone pole, Cassady on her bed in her
new home, Richard & Cassady & Cynthia at Fred's Stebbins Gallery
- April 13, 1999
- Coca-Cola in the window, Regent Street backyard,
Richard & Cassady (in her raincoat), Fred's paintings at Stebbins
Gallery in Harvard Square, photos taken inside Regent Street
- March 29, 1999
- ducks on the Somerville Bike Path, Regent Street back
yard, artichokes in a white sink, Cynthia & Cassady on the deck,
dachshund with straight & waggin tail, dead pidgeon, Duncan on the
deck, empty squashed soda can with random pattern of spilled contents,
growth on a tree, wasp nest, bumper-stickered car, Forsythia, lost
shoes (child's tennis shoes), yellow flowers
- February 18, 1999
- Somerville Bike Path in the rain, green French Fliver,
ice & snow & water on the SBP, Harvard Square Post Office wall (old),
leaves (or something) on a carpet, Cassady in bed and other poses, car
icicle, snow at 213 Cedar Street
- January 8, 1999
- food, ice, water, snow, reflections, Somerville Bike
Path, Cassady, Cynthia, Cedar Street deck, tree trunks
- December 19, 1998
- dead pidgeon, dead bananna, new Cedar Street bridge,
Somerville Bike Bath, Richard & Edwin & Bill Christmas Day dinner, New
Year's Eve at J's, gold Cadillac posed with Cynthia & Cassady, 31
Regent Street with Cynthia & Duncan, tree stump, frozen bubble of
water, food, kitchen sink, Hande & her dad & Cynthia & Richard
- December 15, 1998
- Cassady on Deck, winter scenes in Cambridge, skunk on
the bike path, DER Christmas Party, Hande & Dad, food from RedBones,
Julie, Oren & Beth, Karma, miscellaneous interns, winter scenes,
Christina George's going away party, the two China's (Chi-lan Lu &
Wen-jie Qin), John Marshall plays harmonica, plus the usual
- October 11, 1998
- Somerville Bike Path, tree babies, mushrooms, Cassady
posing, grotesque growth on a tree, snow-covered penis, Harvard Bio
Labs Rhinoceras with Cynthia & Cassady, missing cat poster
- September 27, 1998
- big tree, Cynthia & Cassady, Route 2/Rindge Towers
bridge, Somerville Bike Path, Charles River in Watertown Square,
Cynthia approaching...
- 19990504
- 19990425
- 19990418
- 19990413
- 19990312
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- 19980117
- 19980101
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- 19970529
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- 19970506
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- 19970104
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- 19960110
- 19951006
- 19950924
- 19950702
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- 19950528
- 19950525
- 19950508
- 19950507 Cynthia & Lotti at Au Bon Paine, Dalmatian, the farm out back, spring flowers
- 19950505+19970401 double exposed roll
- 19950403
- 19950127
- 19950123
End of photo rolls
Click to
Jean's quilt for Richard
Eric Rolph's July 6, 2004, birthday party (although it was really July 4)
Fresh Pond grafitti
Fresh Pond animals
McCullough Peaks - south of Powell, Wyoming, and east of Cody; photos by Dugan
Karyl K's June 8, 2004, birthday party at a little red house near Harvard Square
Dog picture of the day

Cat picture of the day
Astronomy Picture of the Day